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Kevin has a brief encounter with a mysterious girl while the whole world has been suspended for 15 minutes. A production by Cambridge Movies Workshop
and Dealing With It Films (Workshop) First shown at Churchill Student Film Night on 5 March 2002, this film entered the following festivals:
15 Minutes K is having his dinner at McDonald on his own. He is busy reviewing some files and is about to leave and meet his client. A girl comes along and asks if she can sit down on the opposite side of the table. K wonders why she doesn't sit elsewhere since the McDonald is almost empty. He looks around; something unbelievable happens: everyone freezes. The staffs just stand still by the counters. The customers sit still by their meals. No one moves except, of course, the girl sits in front of K. "Hmm, do you see what I see, I mean..." K breaks the silence. Somehow K can accept the world is frozen, but he can't see how he can sit there and do nothing for 15 minutes. He is an insurance adviser. He works very hard, his schedule is always full, and his is successful. K feels increasingly uncomfortable; he begins to look at his files again. This time, the girl breaks the silence. And the story continues...
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